неделя, 27 март 2011 г.


Искаше ми се да направя великденска картичка, но в крайна сметка се получи по-скоро пролетна картичка, отколкото великденска... Вероятно защото за момента все още нямам печати със зайчета и яйца. Поне надписа е великденски :)
Двете рози ги направих сама, като използвах две различни техники, които ще публикувам в края на статията. Като за първи опит и двете се получиха сравнително добре, но все пак втората (по-малката розичка) ми се стори по-лесна за направа. Но предполагам, че всичко е въпрос на практика! Ами това е, надявам се да ви харесат новите ми картички...

I wanted to make an Easter card but somehow it turned out to be more spring like, instead of Easter... Probably because I don't have any bunny and egg stamps yet... Anyway, at least the title is about Easter :)
I made the two roses by myself, using two different techniques that I'll post at the end of this publication. It was my first try and they both look cute to me, however I think that the second one (the smaller rose) was a bit easier for me to make... But I suppose it's all about practice! Well, I hope you enjoy my new cards...

Paper rose Tutorial - 1st rose
Paper rose Tutorial - 2nd rose
Another lovely rose Tutorial!

Prairie Fairy Fridays - Oh So spring
Delicious Doodles Challenge - Floral Fantasy
Hanna and Friends - Spring
Little Red Wagon - Butterflies
Scrap Creations - Spring Has Sprung
2 Sisters Challenge - Make Your Own Embellishments
CES Challenge - Die Cut Crazy

6 коментара:

  1. Последната картичка е много свежа!

  2. these are so very pretty Ani, and spring like colours are perfect for easter cards ;)

    Love your flowers - they look amazing!



  3. They are very pretty, thanks for taking part in this weeks CES Challenge!

  4. Beautiful card!

    Thank you for joining us at Hanna and Friends!

    Hugs, Diana

  5. Oh hun what a lovely card!! very spring!! Thanks for playing at CES xx
